From late November until early March, almost daily we could spot them in Banderas Bay from our balcony. That is in stark contrast to last year when we saw only one or two. Perhaps the difference this year was that the water temperature of the bay was much cooler than it has been for several years.
The big surprise came yesterday, long after the “season” is over. In fact, we have not seen a single whale here for several weeks. But yesterday afternoon, a mom and her calf put on the most spectacular show we have seen, perhaps since we moved to PV. And it all happened in the bay right in front of us. Their show lasted more than 10 minutes. So, I grabbed the camera and rolled. Click here for a link to the YouTube video (edited down to about three minutes).
It’s almost like they are the last ones out of town, waving “adios” before heading north for the summer.
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