Friday, October 9, 2009

To Kill A President

I had written the following blog two weeks ago, but hesitated in publishing it. It didn’t quite fit into what I had been posting here recently in this spot. But this morning, after hearing more hate filled talk about Barack Obama after he received the Nobel Peace Prize (if you didn’t hear it, check out the LA Times article on reaction from Rush Limbaugh and others), I decided it's time to post.

It’s been an interesting summer, returning to the US and traveling to some great spots and meeting fun people. And it’s not quite over yet. But as I get ready to return to my winter home in Puerto Vallarta, I prepare to the leave the United States with some real concerns.

I wonder … when did it become acceptable to basically call for the assassination of the President? Sure there has been dissension in the past … God knows most of the world (and many Americans) despised George W. Bush who single-handedly did more to ruin our economy, drag us into an unnecessary war, and turn world opinion against the US more than anyone else in our country’s history. But never did we hear the left call for the elimination of his life.

Yet now, on FOX TV, on conservation radio, and all over the Internet, it is not at all unusual to hear loud, boisterous, obnoxious rhetoric spewed as fact that Barrack Obama should be ousted, if not outright killed. A prime example is the coverage given to Arizona pastor Steven Anderson who asked his parishioners to pray hard and long that “God strikes Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy.” That’s what Fox (and probably other outlets) aired on several shows. Fox’s website included Anderson’s comments that he hopes Obama “dies and goes to hell.” This was followed by a now well publicized poll on AOL asking participants if they thought Mr. Obama should be assassinated. The Secret Service and FBI are investigating that case.

Grabbing onto issues such as health care and Afghanistan, the likes of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and Lou Dobbs and others have raised the noise level in their outright disgust of Barrack Obama. They have ignited a fire, then thrown fuel on it, and have created an environment where facts are easily forgotten … where fear mongering garners more viewers and listeners. The result is a society, where for the first time in American history, the public call for the death of a President has seemingly become acceptable. Any attempt to silence such outrageous talk is met with cries that freedom of speech is being infringed upon, much like a deranged individual might claim should he shout “Fire!” in a crowded theater.

The hate talk has also given rise to some outrageous emails, many anonymously circulated but then further distributed by those who for one reason or another felt the previous eight years in Washington was superior to the last nine months. I receive these emails from two different individuals who blindly forward them onto anyone they think might listen. It does not matter that they are largely based on false information (and even contain attributions that are non-existent), and are crafted by right wing fanatics who are apparently seeking the overturn of government as we know it.

The most recent such email came from a former boss of mine. In it, he said to me “I can't understand Democrats supporting this President.” His message read, in part, as follows (I’ve left the spelling and grammatical errors intact):

“This is a perfect example why I refrain from watching the news on

ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN or NSNBC. Fox was the only news to report this

(20 Aug 2009).

Today even though President Obama is against off shore drilling for

Oil for this country. He signed an executive order to loan 2

Billion of our taxpayers dollars to a Brazilian Oil Exploration Company (which is the

8th largest company in the entire world) to drill for oil off the coast

Of Brazil. The oil that comes from this operation is for the sole purpose and

use of China and not the USA. Not a

word of this transaction was on any of the other news

networks. I wonder what President Obama is getting out of


After I received this, I did some simple research using Google. It appears the reason that the other news networks did not mention this is that it is not true. When I went to, I found their article. It does not collaborate what the email claims. According to Fox: In fact, the Export-Import bank receives no appropriations from Congress and thus does not rely on American taxpayer dollars and is also not "sending" $2 billion to the Brazilian company but offering lines of credit to U.S. firms so they can compete to land contracts as part of Petrobras' drilling operations.” That’s from Fox.

This email has gotten so much traction and is considered as “fact” by so many that the Annenberg Public Policy Institute conducted a fact check on it. Their independent analysis found the email and the “facts” contained in it are bogus ( Yet, the right wing continues to disseminate it as gospel, further clouding the murky skies they have already created.

Largely to blame are the uncontrolled media, so called news outlets that often fly under the radar of the FCC which until two decades ago mandated that broadcasters actually do provide “fair and balanced” coverage. As the Fairness Doctrine has largely been eroded, equal time for opposing views has been wiped out. Add to that the flood of non-licensed broadcasters (basically anything you get on cable besides your local stations … ie, FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, etc), and our country has provided a very large platform for the lunatic fringe, with little chance for the average middle of the road American to have a voice.

While those who espouse the demise of the President (and our way of government) are probably little more than mouthpieces (it’s easy to sit in a cable TV studio or behind a radio station microphone and spew baseless hate filled talk to the masses), they run the risk of inciting the more feeble-minded, who as history has shown us, are capable of carrying out despicable acts. Legitimate dissension and debate are healthy and can lead to a better understanding of issues. But what is happening here and now has crossed that line. And those who support this kind of politics and rhetoric could all end up with blood on their hands should they continue.



Unknown said...

Nice post, Dan. I, too, decry the erosion of balanced coverage. Bloggers who call themselves "citizen journalists" bear some of the blame. I'd trust a citizen journalist about as much as would a citizen doctor. Miss you in Sacramento! -Pam

Mike Parks said...

Great post Dan. If only it weren't so damned spot on...!! For the first time ever, it made me imagine a reason why mass media would need to be "regulated". :(

What's very sad is that there are people out there today that received that email about Obama, read it, and JUST BELIEVED IT. Just did.

When I think what that really means, it frightens me to my core. "United we stand... divided we fall."

"We the people" are divided and as such, are failing - well and truly.

Alan said...


Great post! The world needs your voice. I look forward to sharing your post with others who need to read it.

Enjoy PV!


Ken said...

I'm still a professional journalist so I can't have an opinion.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great post Dan. I have been in France for 6 weeks and it's such a relief to live around positive Obama stories every day! Funny thing is that electing Obama raised the Americans immediately in the eyes of the rest of the world, and now all this right-wing crap is taking us down again, and undoing what the election did. Europeans are shocked that there is so much hate and outrage by Americans about Obama when they didn't hear the same about Bush - when he deserved it. Are we, as Democrats, simply too tolerant? When Bill O'Reilly openly called for the death of the doctor (who performed abortions) who was assasinated this summer, why wasn't he charged? Where was the outcry?

It seems that we were only allowed about 2 months of joy and relief after Obama was elected until the right-wing hatemongers got going. But I also hold the media responsible since it's they who report on it, rather than ignoring it as the voices of crackpots.

Great to hear your views - it's time we got angry and reacted.

Anonymous said...

I am not particularly a big Obama fan, but I certainly am not a fan of the negative comments out there! What have we as American's done? It's terribly harmful. Seems "other countries" see his good deeds more than we do.

Just one thought. What if this peace prize given to Obama motivated countries to appreciate and support all that Obama is trying to do to help create peace in the world and minimize our differences internationally? What if it actually created some, maybe much peace, in the world? Wouldn't that be what the Nobel Prize is all about?

It is good you can speak up about these things. Good for you!

Stephen Pearcy said...

I've met some of those lunatic right wingers you're talking about. I also tend to leave their spelling errors in place when I quote them.

Incidentally, I still want the U.S. military out of Afghanistan and Iraq right away and think both efforts are a complete waste of lives and tax dollars, etc.

Anonymous said...

Dan, your passion, research, and prose illustrate some important points. When did we all start screaming at each other? what ever happened to civil discourse? Is it patriotic to hope for the ruin of the president?

Keep writing! As much as I love living vicariously through you in PV, I miss your critical eye (and pen.)