She has seen a lot of history, and that’s why what is
happening now in this country is so disturbing to her … on several different
levels. First of all, she
is angry that
a manufactured crisis on Capitol Hill has left the nation in a shambles,
hurting it domestically, internationally, economically, and spiritually. She has seen her investments, the money she
lives on now, placed in jeopardy, creating great anxiety. But
perhaps more significant and more upsetting to her is witnessing the demise of
her beloved GOP. As she said to me last night, “It is over for the Republican

In the past, those who didn’t respect the office of the
Presidency were from countries at war with the US. Now it is many our own people. And they are people who, like those who espouse
anti-American sentiment in other parts of the world, are doing what they can to
undermine the democratic process, largely for their own advancement and the
advancement of their ideological dogma.
When I was a reporter, every once in a while a viewer with a
gripe about the newscast would call the station and complain. The news director at the time thought that
since one viewer called in, it must represent the majority of the rest of the
viewers who were just too lazy to pick up the phone and call in with their
similar complaint. One time, someone
called and said the news was too negative and reported on too many bad
things. The news director’s neighbor
told him the same thing. Based on that, management decided we would change directions and become the "good news”
The station did promos
proclaiming that no longer were we the bad news station, only good news. Us reporters cringed, but more viewers called
in saying they loved it … what a great idea.
The management was euphoric that they had finally tapped into the
mindset of viewers and their decision was bolstered by more and more
comments and calls. The problem was, good news
does not make for a newscast. And over
two years the majority of viewers (remember, those who don’t pick up the phone
and call) had expressed their thoughts in another way. They switched stations. The ratings plummeted (and I do mean
plummeted). The geniuses who came up
with the “good news” format were fired, and to this day, the ratings have never
fully recovered. What had gone
wrong? The same thing that is going
wrong in Washington now. The leaders
listen to the vocal minority, gave them power, then let them drive the country (or the TV station) into the toilet.
Eventually they discover that these complainers and malcontents DO NOT represent
the masses, but it’s too late. The
damage has been done.

I remember when News10 switched to the “good news”
format. My mom told me then that she
started watching Channel 3 sometimes because she wasn’t getting the “news” from
my station anymore. She was the silent
majority. I hope it’s not too late in
Washington now, and assuming it isn’t, perhaps they should start listening to
my mother. Ten years from now, they will
thank her for her insight and wisdom. Otherwise, American voters, like TV viewers, will hopefully look elsewhere for leadership.
1 comment:
Dan, I really enjoyed reading your mother's views and comments and your's also.
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