The store fronts were being demolished, cars overturned and set ablaze, large fires burning without any effort by the fire department to extinguish them, bottles thrown, looting, many injuries, downtown Vancouver under siege. I've been in the middle of riots like this before (covering them for TV news, not participating), and this one was pretty much your standard riot.

This morning, watching the AM Shows from Canada and reading papers like the Vancouver Sun online, the typical Monday morning quarterbacking is taking place. Why weren't the police better prepared, particularly since the last time Vancouver was in the Stanley Cup, the same type of thing happened? Why didn't peace loving residents of Vancouver step in to stop it (yeah, right)? What will this do to the image of Vancouver (and Canada)? As one commentator said, while physical damage will exceed one million dollars, the public relations impact will cost billions. The riot was broadcast live worldwide on CNN. Perhaps he is right.
This summer, we had planned on visiting Vancouver and Whistler for two and a half weeks, then driving to Canadian national parks, and onto Edmonton to visit friends. We visited Canada last year, and really enjoyed it. But now, I am afraid we may have to cancel our trip.

I'm sure many of you, after reading this, will agree. You can't go to Canada and be safe anymore. Now, the problem is, you have a vacation planned, and have to cancel because Canada has been taken over by roving gangs. Where do you go?
For us, perhaps we'll just stay where we are. We have never seen anything like what happened in Canada occur in our town where we live. There have been no riots, looting, no bottles thrown, no buildings burned, no cars overturned. We feel very safe in our little Mexican beach town.
OK, that's it, we are not venturing into a country as scary as Canada. Too bad, though. That Canada sure is a beautiful place, and the people we know there are all so nice. I hope they do something about getting their problems under control. Yeah, it may just be happening at one or two places there (those damn border towns), but I am just not comfortable going anywhere in that country because of the violence. I do wish I could go to California for vacation, but I had to cancel my trip there as well. I read this morning that a bicyclist in Stockton was shot and killed yesterday. Again, the whole state apparently is too unsafe to visit.
(all photos courtesy of CTV BC)