I am a white American, living in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Three times each year, I travel through Arizona on the way back to California, usually staying 2-3 nights each time in Tucson or Phoenix ... paying for lodging at hotels, dining in restaurants, gas at gas stations, etc. My last trip was in March. My next trip is in June.
However, I have just canceled my reservations for two nights in Tucson following the passage of the legislation which targets Mexicans. From now on, I will plan my trip so I can avoid spending any money in a state that is run by a bunch of bigots (It was bad enough when you rescinded benefits to domestic partners ... now this).
I will stay in Hermosillo, Mexico the night before crossing the border, fuel up and buy lunch in Nogales, Mexico (not Nogales, AZ), then travel right through Arizona, and arrive in Palm Springs, California (all without spending one more cent in Arizona). I am sorry that this may hurt working class folks who depend on tourism for a living. But there is no way I can personally justify spending any time or money in a place where such prejudice runs rampant from the highest levels.
Daniel Adams
If you you like to send your own message to this fine elected official, you can go to this website:
I have also sent similar emails to The Arizona Hotel Association, Restaurant Association, and Office of Tourism.